Sunday, December 18, 2016

Tribute to an Angel


A lost treasure in our and so many others lives has been lost. One month ago and grieving is still in our hearts. This tribute has  special meaning to us and at first we felt it should be posted on Thanksgiving in thanks for her life but decided to make it at Christmas when we were to give special honors to an angelic soul. However, finally the right time came to us for sharing Uta  Kramer with all of you. Less than a week ago, Uta was to spend time with Maggie while I was in surgery. (Maggie is our sweet fur family member Uta had helped train. and grow into an amazing companion) I was terrified about a surgery but she always shared with me those fears. On December 8, 2016 as I cried in fear, suddenly a warm hug embraced me and I felt as I heard her voice whisper, not now, you will be alright. Uta was with me as she had been many times before, standing beside me and holding my hand. I could not think of a better time than now to share with you one of life's greatest treasures. Uta Kramer.

If ever an angel walked amongst us, it was Uta Kramer.  A soft spoken yet strong woman who knew the hearts of so many. November 14, 2016 about 9 AM we received a message that began "this is the worst news you will ever hear from me."  it was news from her husband sharing Uta had just passed on suddenly. My first reaction was to yell out the words, "No, this has to be a bad joke" and then, "No, please say this is a bad dream and she's really alright!" I hurried to the front room with streaming tears and ask Doug to read the message and tell me I read it wrong. With tears in his eyes he just kept saying "oh such a sweet woman how can this be."  Together our sorrow, though profound we realized Kim her husband with family and friends across the globe would also be in shock and disbelief. Uta has the love of a husband many never know, an endless bounty of wet slobbery kisses from every animal she touched and friends that adore her. 

Tears streamed down our eyes for days and as Thanksgiving approached, we thought why. But Uta was why!  She was to be at our dinner table and she was!  We had this time to give thanks for the wonderful encounter with an angel. It was a day to recall the laughter, joy and tears shared with the life of another.  A way to celebrate her life knowing the love and strength she so freely gave of herself to others. It was a way to open our hearts and welcome in the holidays ahead because we knew her love would have been in vain had we not stopped to reflect on so many treasures in our lives because Uta Kramer was a part of it!  

Still the tears came. Writing a tribute as I had planned was suddenly impossible because we kept praying someone would shake us and say she was in the next room!  After all, we were just with her three days beforehand joking about which blizzard she would order. She wanted "to be good" and have the small sundae that accompanied her lunch but tempted by our upgrade for that tasty blizzard telling us she had never had one. Yes, we found a hundred reasons for her to go ahead and go for it and she did!  Oh how she loved it but taken but the size of it! That's just one of so many happy times shared and remembered. 

Have you ever had a buddy to just go shopping without buying one thing but spent hours looking, touching, dreaming, laughing and trying on every hat or scarf playing as though you were children!  Well, Uta made these days such a delight followed up by a lunch usually somewhere neither of us had been before. Tired and so happy all day from just being friends!  How can our lives ever be the same without this pure and giving soul gone from it?  But she is only gone from us in body, she will always be with each of us in spirit and as our own angel.

But as the news sunk in, we wondered how would Maggie ever know she had found a plan to help her engage in a happy play with no more fear. She worked by our side tirelessly to train our rescue puppy as she had done for so many. But Maggie was special to her because she could see the love in Maggie and the starved desire to play with other dogs but devoted to caring for us rather than have her own puppy time. Uta watched her as Maggie became my Service Dog naturally without training. She knew she could help her!  But that chance will never be as in an instant, we saw just how previous and fragile life can be. It was obvious to everyone that the expression "live life to the fullest and as if each day is your last." 

That is exactly how Uta lived her life. Aside from this fun loving spirit she shared,  also could be found a serious dedication to all animals for their happiness and well being. She wanted to protect them all from abuse and hunger, training those that others threw away so they could be part of a family again. She worked tirelessly with agencies to train animals and just spend time loving them. Several years back she took a more serious approach to life with animals that needed rescuing and together with another person started a company that dedicated her life just such a cause. 

Maggie’s Kitchen Tails: 
Dog Treat Recipes and Puppy Tales to Love

Aside from everything else, Uta has a fur dog family member Merlin and to her fur cat family member Panther. She also had room in her life for raising her Llamas which she has loved from the time they were only infant in age. They are the lucky ones to have known a special bond but the ones left behind and will miss her certain touch  of love and reassurance. Their life as ours are richer from having Uta in it for however long. 

Uta Kramer was also a great supporter of Maggie and the book to help support abused dogs and animals and why we want to share with you the chapter in the pages of our book that share her work with you. Maggie's Kitchen Tails and Puppy Tails to Love respectfully bids a See You Again to Uta Kramer now our angel that walks among us!

Here is her story!
Uta Kramer, Co-Founder of KARE 
Uta is fur addicted-loving, studying, training, and breathing the very thoughts of each dog she is in contact with making it her mission that no dog be cast away but trained so their lives are full and happy. Moving to the USA from Germany, she and her husband Kim had bought their home but they only completed the feeling of “home” after finding and taking in a furry stray making him part of their lives. That was the beginning of what turned out to be Uta’s passion in life. Training dogs paying particulate attention to behavior. Learning and understanding their behavior almost before it was visible and beginning a training path she used while working the next twenty two years at the Humane Society. With KARE, Uta believed there was no attack without signs and she was determined to learn what those signs were in  order to stop the attacks for both the love of the dogs and safety around them. Each of the next few dogs she added to their family aided in her passion for training. 
Many trainers in our society are there for the income or they need a job but Uta loves every dog. She spends her time understanding and communicating with them-speaking doglish with them because she cares. If a dog has something to say, she listens and replies. Uta is a diamond amongst our dog world making sure they don’t go without so in 2001 she began her journey into training so her life could make that difference in a dog’s world. Her passion is evaluating dogs so she can understand what they need to improve their lives. Uta spent many years volunteering at the Humane Society so she could put her knowledge to good use making each dog a family  member to others and saving their very breath in life. She does not see yellow, black, brown or any color but she sees them all as creatures to be loved and spoiled -all equal and all worth saving. Uta is a blessing to all mankind, a friend to others and a true lover for dogs. Some people have best friends amongst their peers but I would say that Uta is likely happier to have a dog in her home than many people because they are loyal, forgiving. loving and never petty. Yes, Uta Kramer is our diamond in the sky, leading so many to that destination of happiness that in time.  results in families united everywhere .
Uta Kramer: Helping out at a Book Signing
After our training at the KARE facility ended at the Humane Society, Uta Kramer volunteered to continue our training while loving Maggie, becoming a close friend and our mentor. We had our foundation from them but now needed the care to be on going so as not to lose ground and continue to learn. Uta has been associated with KARE as the co-founder from the beginning and rescued many dogs herself with the vast knowledge and love she has for dogs-a natural for this style of life.

Uta celebrating her birthday, July 16, 201

We encourage you to please leave your comments and perhaps take the time to share one memory you have with Uta so we can together raise her up in prayer and leave these thoughts to her husband Kim, her family and for all of us who have loved her. 

Uta, you will be forever missed.

Kim and Uta Kramer celebrating with us, life at it’s best. 

We love you and miss you dear Friend!
With broken Hearts,

Mamie, Doug and Maggie Anne


  1. Blessings for Uta and her family. She was a great strength and help to so many people and animals in her life. Although, I never had the opportunity to meet her, I always felt the warm love in her heart radiating while looking at her photo in Maggie's Kitchen Tails. She certainly is missed! This article is a very nice tribute to her, Mamie. Thank you for writing it.

  2. Nothing in life is more precious than family and good friends. Sometimes those good friends are as close as family and deserving of such a fine tribute as this one. Mamie - you have gifted your good friend Uta with the fondest farewell anyone could ever ask for and I feel certain that she knows it too. Be well and know that if anyone is watching over you, it is Uta!

  3. Thank you both for leaving comments. Uta is/was a very special angel and I feel sure she was with me in surgery!
    I look forward to having this blog shared so many will leave comments about this amazing person for her husband to see. Thank you again.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Uta was a special person and did so much for the community by helping abused animals. I know she is missed by many people and animal friends alike. Blessings for dear Uta.

  6. It is impossible to give tribute to Uta in just a few simple words. I know that mine & my son's lives were joyfully and gracefully touched by her & Kim. Her passing taught me not to waste a moment of this precious life.

    1. You are so right, Bonnie, Uta taught us all so much and she was such a gift to so many people.
