Saturday, December 27, 2014


If a puppy could talk, what would he be telling you?  Similarly, if a puppy could write, what would his love note say to you?  I truly hope no one minds sharing these pleasant little thoughts with me because I am very sure that pet lovers everywhere have contemplated the thoughts that cross their own pet’s lovable little minds.
For the moment, let’s talk ‘puppy’!  Puppies are babies too and have infantile and innocent expression just as their human counterparts do.  The difference is that they express their thoughts in ‘puppy love’ language…frolic to express joy and excitement, chew on your slippers as something familiar to teethe upon and above all, they lick your face and nibble your ears to convey their little puppy kisses.
I’m told that when we grow and mature, our inner child remains an integral part of our total being.  That makes a lot of sense to me which is why we continue to be playful, maintain our sense of humor and enjoy our lives in the serious world we live in.  Why not the same with our canine companions?  They continue to convey their loyalty, affection and playfulness for the duration of their lives and in the process, leave us with wonderful memories much in the way that our human children do.  Indeed, our doggie companions know how to bring out the child in everyone they meet!
Let’s explore some of the fun facts and quotes about our canine babies and hopefully, you will add some of your own in the comment section below.
Puppy Love 101
Wikipedia:  Puppy love (also known as simple infatuation, a crushcalf love, or kitten love) is an informal term for feelings of love, romance, or infatuation, often felt by young people during their childhood and adolescence.  It is named for its resemblance to the adoring, worshipful affection that may be felt by a puppy. It may also be able to describe short/long-term love interest.

Puppy This ‘n That
  • Song called Puppy Love by Paul Anka
  • Our first crush is known as ‘puppy love’
  • For puppies first night away from Mommy, put an alarm clock under his pillow to resemble her heartbeat.
Doggie Quotes
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.  by Ben Williams

If you can look at a dog and not feel vicarious excitement and affection, you must be a cat.  by Carrie Latet

The great pleasure of a dog is that you make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold  you, but he will make a fool of himself too. by Samuel Butler, Notebooks,1912

Dogs are miracles with paws.  Attributed to Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  by Gilda Radner

One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you’re feeling blue is that he doesn’t try to find out why.  by Author Unknown

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism!  by David Starr Jordan

If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and giving Fido two of them.  by Phil Pastoret

Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.  by Max Eastman, Enjoyment of Laughter

If dogs could talk, it would take a lot of the fun out of owning one.  by Andy Rooney

Happiness is a warm puppy.  by Charles M. Schulz

My little dog...a heartbeat at my feet.   by Edith Wharton

And finally…

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
by Author Unknown.

© Linda Hales 2014

About Linda…
Linda Hales is retired and devotes her time to writing in various genres for both freelance and pleasure. Her greatest passion is writing motivational stories for young children. Linda has four self-published children’s books.

Book Awards
Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile! was awarded the 2014 Red Carpet Books Finalist Award for Children’s Books; and Andy-Roo was awarded the 2013 Kart Kids Book List award for Creative Storytelling.
Learn more about Linda and her titles at

Available on Amazon at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Linda, I really enjoyed reading your idea about dogs showing their affection in their own unique ways. It brought to my memory how many of my own dog loves had wiggled and wagged and licked and even tried to talk to show their love. Our dog Elfie tried to say "I love you" when he was a puppy and it came out clear enough for us to know what he meant. He did not keep that method up but had many other ways he showed us love, including once busting all the way through the living room window t scare away an intruder.
    Thank you for your fun article,
    Martha Love

  3. Linda, I loved your interpretation of Puppy Love. It of course goes back many years and reflects on many aspects of life.

    I remember when I had my first crush on a boy when told it was only "puppy love" which really made me mad at the time but it was true. An innocence felt by the very young.

    Puppy love in another fashion reflects the attraction you feel when you first see that sweet puppy and need to hold them, love them and adopt them as family.

    Thank you for sharing this story. The reflections it brought back to mind were happy memories of our wonderful pets of the past and now of our adorable Maggie.

  4. Just an added note to share. Maggie every morning has about thirty minutes of love time where she nibbles on the ear ever so gently and licks it at the same time. I do believe this is her puppy love, looking at your story but maybe through her eyes/mind.

  5. Many thanks for your comments ladies. I look forward to adding more posts from time to time and hopefully become a recognizable voice of Maggie!
